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about Coding Technologies

about our organization

Coding Technologies (CodTech India) founded in 2011 has been focusing on R & D, Production, sales and services of Thermal Inkjet coding Machines ( Batch Coding) and Packaging Machines. We are proudly MAKE IN INDIA brand for developing standard and customized solutions for batch coding and packaging industrial segment. We develops products based on industrial thermal inkjet technology and has been paving the way for the industry since. Serving a global community of customers in multiple sectors including industrial coding and marking, packaging, and pharmaceuticals .We provide customized solution for Batch Coding , Labeling and Packaging requirements specially for start ups and MSME with budget solutions.

    about Coding Technologies

    Coding Technologies (CodTech India) founded in 2011 has been focusing on R & D, Production, sales and services of Thermal Inkjet coding Machines ( Batch Coding) and Packaging Machines. We are proudly MAKE IN INDIA brand for developing standard and customized solutions for batch coding and packaging industrial segment. We develops products based on industrial thermal inkjet technology and has been paving the way for the industry since. Serving a global community of customers in multiple sectors including industrial coding and marking, packaging, and pharmaceuticals .We provide customized solution for Batch Coding , Labeling and Packaging requirements specially for start ups and MSME with budget solutions.

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